51.   Last week, with full military honors, the remains of Col. Robert Raymond Dyczkowski were buried beneath his marker at Arlington.

52.   Martin, buried beneath a pile, had no idea that his blunder was being erased.

53.   More impressively, he has excavated a reputation once buried beneath the northern tundra.

54.   Other treasures are undoubtedly buried beneath the soot of hundreds of campfires that blackened rock ceilings in recent years.

55.   Problem is, that side of Dole got buried beneath the unseemly business of running for president in a race he never had much chance of winning.

56.   Pruckler says that life in a backyard garden is only a short-term alternative to being buried beneath the asphalt.

57.   River tunnels, buried beneath mud and water, do not seem to be the kind of shining towers of American might that would attract terrorists.

58.   Search and rescue teams doubled their efforts Wednesday in a massive push to recover bodies and any survivors buried beneath the rubble of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building.

59.   She thought this would be a nice place to live, especially in the months when Seattle, her hometown, was buried beneath a few feet of snow.

60.   She was buried beneath six feet of stone and wire and concrete in the basement.

v. + beneath >>共 469
bury 8.24%
lie 7.39%
hide 5.49%
lurk 3.03%
sit 3.03%
find 2.41%
trap 2.41%
be 2.02%
stand 1.90%
disappear 1.46%
bury + p. >>共 70
in 56.87%
under 10.22%
at 7.30%
on 5.35%
with 4.51%
beneath 3.16%
near 1.63%
for 0.79%
inside 0.73%
nearby 0.67%
每页显示:    共 146