51.   He said reconstruction in East Timor, which has been criticized for being too slow, was retarded by an inefficient procurement system, cumbersome regulations and bureaucratic delays.

52.   His party complained that bureaucratic delays made it difficult to run promotions.

53.   His party had complained that bureaucratic delays made it difficult to run promotional campaigns.

54.   Holocaust survivor Shevah Weiss, a legislator from the opposition Labor Party, said the money should be freed without bureaucratic delays.

55.   Illegal immigrants are employed partly because employers face bureaucratic delays in hiring workers through proper channels.

56.   It was our loss, I think, that bureaucratic delays caused him to take some other job instead.

57.   Long bureaucratic delays, waiting for project approvals, are common.

58.   None of the recommendations have been implemented, said Shekhar, who blamed bureaucratic delays.

59.   Other projects have been slowed down by bureaucratic delays.

60.   The deployment from Germany has already been hampered by a shortage of trains and assorted bureaucratic delays.

a. + delay >>共 423
long 13.13%
further 12.42%
bureaucratic 3.45%
lengthy 2.93%
repeated 2.66%
latest 1.95%
possible 1.88%
planting 1.76%
slight 1.69%
major 1.69%
bureaucratic + n. >>共 514
delay 6.06%
hurdle 2.70%
obstacle 2.64%
procedure 2.57%
nightmare 2.11%
problem 1.91%
inertia 1.85%
process 1.85%
control 1.71%
barrier 1.65%
每页显示:    共 92