51.   Some of the most difficult patients to treat are babies born prematurely.

52.   The couple had traveled from Virginia to adopt Michael, a baby born with the antibodies to the AIDS virus.

53.   The field got a big ego boost this spring when French scientists reported they had used gene therapy successfully to treat babies born with defective immune systems.

54.   The immigration plank in the GOP platform adopted this week would deny automatic citizenship to babies born to illegal immigrants.

55.   The methyl mercury then accumulated in fish and caused birth defects in babies born to women who ate the fish.

56.   The other, by Dr. Robert L. Goldenberg of the University of Alabama, looked at babies born in that state.

57.   The number of babies born to Hispanic women in the United States has reached a record high.

58.   The number of babies born to teen-agers also declined for the fourth year in a row.

59.   The researchers also are examining the role antibodies and the placenta play in protecting, or failing to protect, babies born to mothers with the AIDS virus.

60.   The researchers found that the studies, for example, compared babies born to women who had prenatal care with those of women who did not.

a. + baby >>共 724
new 7.83%
newborn 5.60%
premature 4.41%
born 4.02%
healthy 3.24%
first 3.21%
unborn 2.19%
little 1.90%
dead 1.69%
tiny 1.34%
born + n. >>共 545
child 16.29%
baby 7.46%
people 2.42%
citizen 1.83%
girl 1.37%
man 1.24%
daughter 1.18%
blind 1.18%
infant 1.11%
son 1.05%
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