51.   A short while later in Jerusalem, a suicide bomber blew himself up at a busy intersection in a Jewish neighborhood in the eastern part of the city.

52.   A suicide bomber blew himself up Friday in an outdoor cafe filled with merrymakers dressed in costumes for the Jewish holiday of Purim.

53.   A suicide bomber blew himself up in a main shopping area in downtown Jerusalem on Thursday, causing casualties, police said.

54.   A suicide bomber blew himself up in central Jerusalem Tuesday, injuring several passersby, police said.

55.   A suicide bomber blew himself up near an Israeli army convoy in south Lebanon on Wednesday, killing one soldier and wounding seven, security sources reported.

56.   A suicide bomber blew himself up on a bus in northern Israel during the morning rush hour Wednesday, causing many casualties, officials said.

57.   A Palestinian suicide bomber blew himself up on Monday near a group of Israeli border police, killing himself but causing no injury to bystanders.

58.   A suicide bomber blew himself Friday at an Israeli military checkpoint in the West Bank, injuring several people, Israel Radio said.

59.   A suicide bomber blew himself up Friday at an Israeli military checkpoint in the West Bank, injuring two people, police said.

60.   A suicide bomber blew up a shuttle bus in Karachi, Pakistan on Wednesday, killing nine French workers and the Pakistani driver, police said.

n. + blow >>共 752
wind 17.39%
bomber 5.18%
whistle 3.34%
bomb 2.94%
blast 2.65%
explosion 2.18%
storm 2.12%
car 1.89%
breeze 1.66%
rebel 1.66%
bomber + v. >>共 282
be 14.12%
blow 10.79%
kill 6.12%
strike 4.06%
come 4.00%
detonate 2.79%
die 2.61%
try 2.00%
have 1.94%
attack 1.94%
每页显示:    共 177