51.   The government housing body said the unprecedented move was being considered for buyers having difficulties in securing bank loans.

52.   The gruesome footage shows mutilated bodies said to be of dead Chechen soldiers, women and children.

53.   The governing body said an SMU coach engaged in academic fraud and made payments to students two years ago.

54.   The governing body said he tested positive for furosemide, a diuretic that can mask steroids and help weight loss.

55.   The governing body of tennis says the decision to uphold the action against Petr Korda strengthens its stance on drugs in sports.

56.   The new forum will include working groups to look at soccer issues like media rights and the way UEFA-organized tournaments are structured, the governing body said.

57.   The international body did not say when a ruling is expected.

58.   The legislative body also said the investigators should be unpartisan in their inquiry.

59.   The police official, who asked not to be identified, said the bodies were badly decomposed and that it was uncertain how long they had been there.

60.   The number of cellular phones in the world will exceed the number of fixed lines within months, the United Nations telecommunications body said Friday.

n. + say >>共 480
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