51.   The United States has repeatedly demanded that the United Nations slash its bloated bureaucracy and streamline agencies.

52.   The United States has criticized the United Nations for having a bloated bureaucracy with overlapping responsibilities.

53.   Thousands of jobs will be lost under the program to streamline the bloated bureaucracy and privatize state enterprises.

54.   Today, the African Development Bank is a bloated bureaucracy accused of waste, nepotism and corruption.

55.   They include cutting government spending, laying off thousands of workers from the bloated bureaucracy, privatizing state enterprises and opening the Haitian market to foreign imports.

56.   Thousands of jobs will be lost in cutting down the bloated bureaucracy and privatizing state enterprises under measures tied to tens of millions of aid dollars.

57.   U.S. Vice President Albert Gore said the United States will funnel more of its help through independent organizations to avoid fostering bloated bureaucracies.

58.   Vice President Albert Gore said Washington will funnel more of its help through independent organizations to avoid fostering bloated bureaucracies.

59.   U.S. Vice President Albert Gore said Washington will funnel more of its help through independent organizations to avoid fostering bloated bureaucracies.

60.   Under apartheid, the government operated separate departments for whites and other racial groups, creating a bloated bureaucracy that duplicated services.

a. + bureaucracy >>共 349
federal 11.55%
bloated 6.09%
state 5.91%
new 4.45%
entrenched 2.18%
russian 1.45%
cumbersome 1.36%
large 1.36%
huge 1.18%
unwieldy 1.18%
bloated + n. >>共 172
bureaucracy 13.45%
payroll 8.84%
inventory 8.63%
body 5.22%
government 5.22%
cost 2.41%
budget 2.21%
corpse 2.01%
belly 1.81%
workforce 1.61%
每页显示:    共 67