51.   They can blame the media all they want for their troubles, but the community is outraged.

52.   But Ventura acknowledged his long-standing policy of never saying never to anything, and blamed the media for contorting his comments to make something out of them.

53.   Chavez has blamed the media for downplaying his achievements, such as bringing Venezuela out of a wrenching economic recession and controlling inflation.

54.   Chavez blames the media for hyping the hysteria and has invited former U.S. President Jimmy Carter to mediate talks with the opposition.

55.   ECOMOG officers has threatened jail terms to journalists for unauthorized press dispatches and has blamed the media for spreading panic among civilians.

56.   He blamed the media for contorting his comments.

57.   He blamed the media for reporting inaccurate information and for asking negative questions making it look like there was a conflict among NAP members.

58.   He blamed the media for turning many people against him, and expressed anger at relatives of the victims.

59.   He blames the media for blowing his postseason struggles out of proportion.

60.   He blamed the media for downplaying his achievements, such as bringing Venezuela out of a wrenching economic recession and controlling inflation.

v. + medium >>共 473
report 11.28%
use 5.04%
blame 4.11%
say 3.33%
control 3.19%
accuse 3.10%
address 1.99%
meet 1.99%
tell 1.94%
handle 1.66%
blame + n. >>共 1810
attack 4.60%
government 2.54%
rebel 2.32%
problem 1.96%
death 1.96%
loss 1.52%
lack 1.45%
group 1.31%
delay 1.26%
decline 1.21%
medium 0.91%
每页显示:    共 88