51.   But the inescapable truth is that so far, despite its best efforts, Operation Lifeline Sudan has not been able to stop the famines.

52.   But the unseen fish never did come back, despite my best efforts to raise it again with the popper.

53.   But there was no way I could have given them my best effort.

54.   But these works show an artist on the move, with different ideas under consideration, and they constitute his best effort so far.

55.   But we made the best effort we could of a sad situation.

56.   But the Truth Commission is the best effort the world has seen, and South Africa is the better for it.

57.   But they also owe the game their best effort, and going coast to coast on back-to-back days and working three games in three days does not accommodate that.

58.   But Tocco pledged the best efforts of the Weld administration to making the project work in South Boston.

59.   Despite her best efforts, something goes awry.

60.   Despite his best efforts, Bryce struck out in getting any autographs.

a. + effort >>共 805
diplomatic 4.27%
international 3.51%
concerted 1.94%
joint 1.85%
new 1.71%
lobbying 1.34%
best 1.26%
marketing 1.21%
similar 1.18%
fund-raising 1.06%
best + n. >>共 923
way 7.61%
player 4.01%
friend 3.26%
thing 2.87%
chance 2.44%
team 2.22%
interest 1.65%
time 1.47%
record 1.32%
part 1.22%
effort 0.70%
每页显示:    共 266