51.   The industry is hopeful, however, that inspections it began under commission orders several years ago, to look for leaks, would have found any similar cases.

52.   The Justice Department could settle the suit against Microsoft the way the Reagan administration dropped antitrust action against IBM begun under Lyndon B. Johnson.

53.   The little normalization that began under Sadat died with him.

54.   The Naples gathering itself began under the shadow of the unexpected death of Kim Il Sung.

55.   The projects were begun under the Clinton administration and approved then by Pentagon and Central Intelligence officials.

56.   The projects, which have not been previously disclosed, were begun under President Clinton and have been embraced by the Bush administration, which intends to expand them.

57.   The running battles began under the mustard-yellow walls of the palace with their white crenelated ornaments.

58.   The peace talks began under the threat of NATO air strikes against Serbian military targets if Milosevic refused to make peace, and that threat must remain.

59.   The relaxation began under Yitzhak Rabin, the assassinated prime minister, and went into abeyance during the anti-liberal tenure of Netanyahu, experts say.

60.   The research, begun under President Clinton, enjoys broad support.

v. + under >>共 914
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work 2.61%
live 2.39%
bury 1.82%
be 1.46%
hide 1.44%
lie 1.44%
play 1.36%
sell 1.33%
begin 0.50%
begin + p. >>共 57
in 32.30%
with 22.64%
on 9.34%
to 6.56%
at 6.11%
as 4.90%
by 4.44%
after 2.91%
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for 1.43%
under 0.59%
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