51.   Yemen has unofficially banned such protests, fearful of inflaming anti-U.S passions that have run high since the beginning of the current crisis.

52.   Yemen has unofficially banned such protests, fearful of the message they may send to the United States and its allies.

53.   French authorities, apparently fearing a repetition of mass human rights demonstrations that marred a visit to Germany by Chinese Premier Li Peng last July, had banned protests.

54.   He banned another protest by a flotilla of boats on the Seine also scheduled for Friday.

55.   Initially, they had attempted to hold the demonstration in Seville during the European Summit but the Spanish authorities had banned the protest.

56.   Israel radio said Oslo police had also banned any protests during the ceremonies.

57.   A court in Lueneberg on Monday banned all protests near the Gorleben nuclear waste depot, toughening an earlier ruling limiting protests to Wednesday.

58.   Authorities banned the protest and an investigation was opened to identify the authors of the leaflet.

59.   But the government in the former Anglo-French condominium of Vanuatu has banned protests.

60.   Last month, Greenpeace was forced to end a sit-in on the Brent Spar after the oil giant gained a court order banning the protest.

v. + protest >>共 532
stage 9.25%
spark 5.26%
hold 4.87%
join 3.92%
organize 3.53%
draw 3.37%
lodge 3.26%
plan 3.07%
trigger 2.67%
file 2.24%
ban 0.92%
ban + n. >>共 776
import 4.55%
use 4.03%
sale 3.70%
party 2.59%
export 1.89%
demonstration 1.77%
weapon 1.57%
woman 1.44%
practice 1.36%
abortion 1.18%
protest 0.68%
每页显示:    共 69