51.   The Palestinians called for Egyptian help last week after the two sides failed to agree on the modalities for elections to a Palestinian autonomy council.

52.   The Palestinians have pushed for direct elections for a self-rule chairman at the same time as the vote to the Palestinian autonomy council.

53.   The redeployment is scheduled to take place by the eve of elections to an autonomy council.

54.   The talks in a Cairo hotel were centered on arrangements for elections to a future Palestinian autonomy council to run civilian affairs in the Gaza Strip and West Bank.

55.   The second stage of autonomy involves an Israeli army withdrawal from Palestinian areas on the West Bank, the handover of civil powers and elections to an autonomy council.

56.   The size of the autonomy council to run the daily lives of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip is still in dispute, Singer said.

57.   The second phase of Palestinian autonomy, involving elections to an autonomy council and the extension of self-rule on the West Bank, is already nine months behind schedule.

58.   Their negotiations centre on an Israeli army redeployment away from Palestinian population centres, elections to an autonomy council and a transfer of civil powers on the West Bank.

59.   The two sides held talks in Cairo on elections to an autonomy council.

60.   The talks here also discussed progress toward elections to an autonomy council that will govern daily affairs of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

n. + council >>共 295
self-rule 9.84%
district 6.76%
autonomy 6.64%
parish 4.78%
business 3.38%
borough 3.38%
policy-making 2.62%
policy 2.62%
village 2.10%
cross-border 1.86%
autonomy + n. >>共 76
accord 27.43%
agreement 19.53%
deal 9.73%
council 7.70%
talk 5.74%
negotiation 4.93%
government 2.57%
proposal 2.57%
election 2.30%
plan 2.09%
每页显示:    共 113