51.   In Gaza, Israeli soldiers arrested an activist from the militant Hamas after nightfall Tuesday, the military said.

52.   In July, seven Greenpeace activists were arrested for trespassing at Vandenberg during the launch of an unsuccessful national missile defense system test.

53.   In June, a labor activist was arrested and tried for organizing an unsanctioned demonstration.

54.   In one of the cities, Leskovac, police arrested an activist Wednesday who was accused of organizing the rally there, the private Beta news agency reported.

55.   Israel and the United States have demanded that Arafat crack down on Hamas and arrest its activists.

56.   Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has demanded that Arafat arrest Hamas activists, disarm the militants and cut off their funding.

57.   Israeli press reports said Palestinian police were preparing to arrest Islamic activists, but Islamic Jihad leader Sheik Abdullah Shami was at home watching the aftermath on television.

58.   Kabila has promised free elections, but he also has arrested opposition activists and stirred up ethnic enmities.

59.   Liberal activists have been arrested, and many pro-reform newspapers shut down.

60.   Meanwhile, police arrested four activists from Otpor, or Resistance, a student group critical of Milosevic, who were on their way to a reception honoring Papandreou.

v. + activist >>共 332
arrest 11.06%
kill 8.47%
detain 4.59%
include 2.66%
say 2.51%
release 2.23%
accuse 2.15%
sentence 1.79%
carry 1.51%
prevent 1.44%
arrest + n. >>共 443
man 15.00%
people 14.33%
suspect 9.04%
member 2.97%
leader 2.55%
militant 1.83%
dozen 1.69%
protester 1.59%
hundred 1.51%
student 1.45%
activist 1.21%
每页显示:    共 153