51.   The Burmese army launched a massive offensive against the KNU in Feb. that captured most of their strongholds inside Burma and pushed many guerrillas over the border into Thailand.

52.   The army frequently launches major crackdowns aimed at flushing out the rebels from their mountain hide-outs.

53.   The army has also launched projects where soldiers grow their own food on bases to cut costs.

54.   The army has launched several offensives during the past two years to gain control of the area.

55.   The army launched an investigation of the shootings.

56.   The army launched its newest offensive Wednesday with the aim of driving the guerrillas out of the northern village of Gracane.

57.   The army launched its offensive Wednesday with the aim of driving the guerrillas out of the northern village of Gracane.

58.   The army launched the assault after two of its soldiers were killed and a third abducted in a rebel ambush Thursday.

59.   The army launches air strikes in the neighboring territory almost every week.

60.   The army then launched the ongoing offensive, officials said.

n. + launch >>共 753
police 8.89%
force 7.75%
government 7.47%
authority 4.70%
company 4.37%
rebel 4.25%
army 3.79%
troop 3.63%
group 2.12%
official 1.98%
army + v. >>共 578
say 22.33%
be 5.55%
have 2.61%
deny 1.86%
confirm 1.51%
launch 1.46%
take 1.30%
begin 1.12%
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