51.   That has prompted more than a few angry letters from parents, complaining that they can no longer let their children read Mad.

52.   The aide filed suit even though Drudge retracted the story and apologized after Blumenthal fired off an angry letter saying it was inaccurate and libelous.

53.   The Clinton administration had proposed the tax, prompting an angry letter Monday from Texas Comptroller John Sharp to Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin.

54.   The Department of Agriculture attracted withering criticism and thousands of angry letters for its role as a co-sponsor with Delta of the research led by Oliver.

55.   The fans booed, some wrote angry letters to the editor, others called radio talk shows.

56.   The first time I wrote about wines for the grill, about four years ago, I got angry letters from readers condemning me for ignoring syrah.

57.   The hospital advisory board fired off an angry letter to Gov. Fife Symington demanding to know why it was left out of the loop.

58.   The last time I said anything about this lazy, lacivious, thoroughly repelling mob of preening low-lifes, people wrote angry letters accusing me of having Irish blood.

59.   The network was deluged with angry letters when it hired Rivera away from CNBC earlier this month.

60.   The paper was inundated with angry letters from readers, some of whom complained about their children looking at the pictures during breakfast.

a. + letter >>共 1005
warning 3.11%
anonymous 2.82%
threatening 2.51%
similar 2.18%
angry 2.07%
suspicious 2.05%
recent 2.01%
personal 1.99%
first 1.99%
fund-raising 1.85%
angry + n. >>共 963
crowd 5.48%
protest 4.89%
mob 4.19%
word 2.54%
resident 2.50%
reaction 2.41%
response 2.32%
fan 2.09%
letter 1.85%
protester 1.85%
每页显示:    共 99