51.   Kabila, who remains in the southern city of Lubumbashi, has accused Uganda and Rwanda of sending troops, tanks and supplies to aid the rebels.

52.   Kabila flew back to Angola, where the government has been accused by Zaire and Western powers of aiding the rebels with troops and equipment.

53.   Khartoum accuses them of aiding Sudanese rebels, while Ethiopia and Eritrea level similar charges.

54.   Last year, Birdal was attacked by ultra-nationalist gunmen after newspapers printed alleged confessions by a rebel commander who claimed Birdal aided the rebels.

55.   Last year, Rwanda aided Zairian rebels who attacked the refugee camps and forced the refugees to stream back across the border in Rwanda.

56.   Khartoum denies the charges and accuses Uganda of aiding rebels in southern Sudan.

57.   Koc was put on trial in Ankara for allegedly aiding Kurdish rebels abroad.

58.   Liberia has also been accused of sending weapons and mercenaries to aid the rebels, but vehemently denies the claims.

59.   Moscow also claims that the Taliban have been aiding rebels fighting Russian forces in breakaway Chechnya.

60.   Other residents have been rounded up by federal forces on suspicion of aiding the rebels.

v. + rebel >>共 520
kill 12.06%
support 6.08%
fight 4.74%
back 4.69%
accuse 4.55%
blame 3.98%
aid 2.77%
drive 2.01%
help 1.99%
battle 1.92%
aid + n. >>共 621
rebel 7.98%
effort 3.05%
victim 2.54%
refugee 2.39%
militant 1.93%
terrorist 1.63%
worker 1.52%
development 1.32%
investigation 1.27%
group 1.22%
每页显示:    共 156