51.   That agreement allows the company to offer long distance service within its service region on a trial basis.

52.   That agreement will allow resolutions on budgetary discipline and job creation to be signed by EU leaders at a summit today.

53.   The Aarque agreement allowed Oneida to consider other offers.

54.   The agreement allowed the automaker to avoid being forced to recall its popular minivans in exchange for pledging to develop a program to replace the latches.

55.   The agreement allows some Fidelity retail customers to purchase shares of public stock sales arranged by Salomon and to receive daily research reports from Salomon.

56.   The agreement allows the London-based Newsplayer to include EMI video footage of bands like Genesis and artists like Nat King Cole in its database.

57.   The agreement allows the United States to proceed as planned with all its theater-defense programs.

58.   The agreement allows unlimited direct flights between the two countries.

59.   The agreement also allows U.S. airlines to own travel agencies and other ticket-distribution companies in Japan, which are a traditional method of discounting there.

60.   The agreement will allow Navistar to begin production of a new medium-duty truck line at its plants in Springfield, Ohio.

n. + allow >>共 1353
law 7.39%
government 4.18%
bill 2.26%
rule 2.06%
agreement 1.94%
system 1.84%
authority 1.36%
program 1.31%
technology 1.29%
official 1.16%
agreement + v. >>共 391
be 27.98%
call 3.68%
come 3.41%
allow 3.17%
include 2.56%
provide 2.08%
have 2.07%
give 2.00%
require 1.97%
cover 1.82%
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