51.   But who in Baghdad today can afford the luxury of receiving skin care?

52.   Kabila now appears to believe he can afford the luxury of defying both the United Nations and the Organisation of African Unity.

53.   Most families can not afford the luxury of someone staying at home to look after babies, or hiring babysitters.

54.   Socialist-oriented governments once discouraged the car industry on the grounds that it served only an affluent minority rich enough to afford such luxuries.

v. + luxury >>共 119
have 60.39%
afford 8.13%
enjoy 5.57%
allow 1.20%
add 0.75%
lack 0.75%
lose 0.75%
want 0.75%
define 0.60%
give 0.45%
afford + n. >>共 654
luxury 3.02%
protection 2.86%
view 2.63%
lawyer 2.35%
cost 2.18%
insurance 1.79%
car 1.62%
drug 1.62%
opportunity 1.57%
loss 1.40%
每页显示:    共 54