51.   The prospect of having no orchestra is even more alarming than admitting a student whose SAT scores are well below our average.

52.   The student has been admitted to Scott and White Hospital in Temple for psychiatric treatment, Wiatt said.

53.   The UC system was criticized earlier this year for admitting some students who had been recommended by campus donors, regents and legislators.

54.   These students were admitted even though their undergraduate grades and test scores were below the standard required by the medical school.

55.   They were that diversity has a genuine educational value, and that past racial discrimination is enough reason to use race today when admitting students.

56.   This fall, the college will begin admitting only students with three years of mathematics.

57.   Today Harvard and other prestigious universities commonly admit students from low-income families.

58.   UC regents and university officials acknowledged last month that they made special requests for students to be admitted.

59.   Unqualified students are admitted to cheesy schools, where they receive a lousy education, paid for with subsidized loans, on which they subsequently welsh.

60.   Under the faculty proposal, which must be approved by the university administration and the MIT Corporation, the campus ROTC would admit students regardless of sexual orientation.

v. + student >>共 1011
kill 2.55%
arrest 2.40%
injure 2.14%
help 1.98%
attract 1.77%
teach 1.76%
include 1.74%
take 1.46%
send 1.44%
prepare 1.37%
admit 1.19%
admit + n. >>共 640
wrongdoing 8.44%
guilt 5.29%
defeat 4.19%
mistake 4.15%
responsibility 3.70%
student 2.95%
woman 2.60%
involvement 2.37%
patient 2.08%
people 1.82%
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