51.   Peacekeeping activities have dramatically increased since the end of the East-West confrontation that broke the stalemate in the Security Council.

52.   Regionally, these activities have also increased in Asia due to rapid economic growth, industrial modernisation, huge infrastructural projects as well as encouraging foreign investment policies.

53.   Seismic activity has increased in recent weeks at the Soufriere Hills volcano, and scientists have placed the Caribbean island on alert to prepare for a possible eruption.

54.   Scientists and government officials warned that the current activity could increase, possibly in a full-blown eruption with rivers of lava pouring down the slopes.

55.   Seismic activity has increased in other areas recently as well.

56.   Seismic activity has increased in recent days around the Kuril Islands.

57.   Stocks had started the trading session with losses, but reversed course briefly on new economic data was released showing that non-manufacturing business activity increased in February.

58.   The activity increases with the escalation of guerrilla operations against Israelis and their allied South Lebanese Army on the ground.

59.   The government is preparing emergency shelters for thousands of potential evacuees if activity increases.

60.   The Soufriere Hills volcano posed the biggest threat to southeastern Montserrat, a sparsely populated area that was evacuated when volcanic activity increased on Friday.

n. + increase >>共 1887
price 2.63%
company 2.41%
government 2.38%
rate 2.26%
number 2.05%
sale 1.73%
cloud 1.27%
cost 1.23%
pressure 1.22%
tension 1.22%
activity 0.79%
activity + v. >>共 478
be 30.88%
include 5.60%
remain 2.56%
increase 2.23%
continue 2.00%
slow 1.91%
take 1.91%
pick_up 1.61%
have 1.43%
come 1.19%
每页显示:    共 75