51.   Pro-choice activists claim the motion infringes basic human rights and will threaten the lives of women suicidal as a result of unwanted pregnancy.

52.   Some activists have claimed they are willing to burn themselves alive while hardline Hindu organisations oppose the event because it is a symbol of Western values.

53.   The activists claim several other valuable archaelogical sites within the club have been damaged, according to the Pioneer daily.

n. + claim >>共 721
group 11.62%
official 4.05%
government 3.92%
side 2.70%
rebel 2.03%
critic 1.83%
company 1.83%
police 1.64%
authority 1.48%
leader 1.47%
activist 0.42%
activist + v. >>共 722
say 18.55%
be 7.02%
accuse 2.50%
call 1.83%
try 1.48%
want 1.35%
plan 1.27%
argue 1.12%
have 1.10%
urge 1.10%
claim 1.02%
每页显示:    共 53