41.   Over the past decade, Baruch has worked to build its undergraduate business program.

42.   San Francisco-based FlyCode is one of the companies working to build the next generation of peer-to-peer technology.

43.   Roped again, Spirit is put to work building the railroad.

44.   She appointed Cooper to head the Legislative Rules and Ethics Committee, which works to build ties with state and federal lawmakers.

45.   She swiftly set to work to build a financial model that showed how the formula hurt urban districts.

46.   She said the Clinton administration is working to build further support.

47.   The charities have budgets in the tens of millions of dollars and work to build militant grass-roots organizations in Bosnia.

48.   The contract is with the University of South Florida Center for Biological Defense, which is working to build a detection system for germ warfare.

49.   The company has worked to build its business outside the U.S. where rates of return on projects are not regulated.

50.   The company is working to build larger systems as well, but may have difficulty competing with the resources of bigger competitors, he said.

v. + build >>共 211
use 30.35%
work 11.90%
be 2.81%
cost 2.41%
rush 2.27%
spend 2.01%
compete 1.87%
do 1.87%
say 1.74%
negotiate 1.60%
work + v. >>共 921
improve 3.71%
get 3.15%
make 3.09%
keep 2.48%
help 2.09%
develop 1.96%
bring 1.64%
reduce 1.59%
build 1.50%
restore 1.50%
每页显示:    共 88