41.   Investors and analysts have tempered their optimism that recent reports on inflation and money supply strengthened the chances that the Bank of Israel will cut rates tomorrow.

42.   Investors and analysts have tempered their optimism that recent reports on inflation and the money supply strengthened the chances that the Bank of Israel will cut rates tomorrow.

43.   Investors welcomed the move as a sign paper companies will cut costs by consolidating production.

44.   INDONESIAN stocks fell, led by tobacco companies, on concern that new government rules for the industry will cut profits, analysts said.

45.   It is already clear that the bill will cut the deficit more than President Clinton wanted, but less than was proposed by either the Senate or the House.

46.   Israeli shares rose, led by Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., as investors focused on the possibility that the central bank will cut interest rates.

47.   Japan has been promising the United States that it would cut taxes to stimulate its economy, which theoretically would encourage Japanese consumers to buy more U.S. products.

48.   Kern said the Italian and Swedish rate increases slightly decreased the likelihood that Germany would cut rates again.

49.   Last week, New York state said it would cut the period gasoline would be required to have a high oxygen content to four months from seven.

50.   No underwriter in its right mind will cut off its nose by refusing to sell shares in future IPOs to a giant mutual fund family.

v. + cut >>共 174
will 24.90%
use 8.16%
work 2.72%
can 2.72%
may 2.51%
cost 2.30%
do 2.09%
be 2.09%
further 1.88%
rush 1.67%
will + v. >>共 684
pay 4.69%
take 4.48%
become 4.21%
cut 4.04%
do 2.04%
make 1.97%
be 1.90%
come 1.73%
work 1.39%
go 1.29%
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