41.   Critics accused Boutros-Ghali of failing to tap a wide circle of talent within the United Nations and of stifling staff initiative.

42.   More known as Jeff than Zahari, he had a wide circle of friends and business contacts.

43.   The White House sought outside advice on how to proceed and a vacationing Clinton reached out by telephone to a wide circle of friends.

44.   Four helicopters flew low in wide circles over the flat, snow-covered fields by the road, firing rockets and machineguns at anything that moved.

45.   He had a wide circle of friends and loved to talk about cricket.

46.   Tensions ran high Saturday as security forces and unidentified men in civilian dress blocked off roads in a wide circle around her lakeside compound.

a. + circle >>共 719
inner 8.70%
right 7.94%
left 6.83%
political 5.19%
small 3.95%
financial 2.72%
social 1.95%
concentric 1.85%
academic 1.50%
legal 1.45%
wide 1.21%
wide + n. >>共 485
range 22.46%
variety 9.11%
area 3.53%
margin 3.05%
open 2.96%
array 2.47%
support 2.05%
swath 1.31%
latitude 1.16%
power 1.07%
circle 0.44%
每页显示:    共 46