41.   Look, we knew that the end of the Cold War meant there would be less cohesion within the Western alliance, without the Soviet threat holding us together.

42.   Military spokesmen here said the commanders were conferring with the Western alliance.

43.   More than any other country in NATO, Greece has been struggling between loyalty to the Western alliance and outrage over the bombing nearby.

44.   NATO warplanes swooped over Sarajevo in darkness early on Wednesday and began bombing Bosnian Serb positions to the south and east of the city, the Western alliance announced.

45.   Not since the Crusades has a western Christian alliance conducted such an intense military campaign -- with such overt moral and religious overtones -- against an Eastern Orthodox country.

46.   On Wednesday, Lord Robertson sought to make the case the Western alliance had an important role to play in fighting terrorism.

47.   Or it works with a Western alliance that does not have the will to resist ruthless aggressors in Europe.

48.   On Tuesday in Madrid, Spain, the Western alliance invited Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary to enter its ranks.

49.   President Clinton said Thursday that the U.S.-led western alliance will not raid Yugoslavia to arrest Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic on war crimes charges.

50.   Russia mounted a last-ditch campaign Monday to avert NATO air strikes against Yugoslavia, warning that it may signal an end to cooperation with the Western alliance.

a. + alliance >>共 752
northern 19.80%
military 9.01%
western 7.49%
new 4.81%
strategic 4.30%
political 1.99%
atlantic 1.69%
marketing 1.57%
loose 1.43%
possible 1.43%
western + n. >>共 695
diplomat 7.59%
country 5.50%
state 3.58%
nation 3.54%
government 3.07%
official 3.05%
leader 2.11%
power 1.98%
alliance 1.97%
part 1.81%
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