41.   Rainwater and household waste water are collected and reused for irrigation, and heat and air conditioning come from a silent underground geothermal system.

42.   Rampe said the county was now studying how much it would cost to pipe in water and to dispose of waste water.

43.   Putrid smells and contaminated waste water have led to federal fines and a public relations fiasco.

44.   Rinse thoroughly with clean water from a separate bucket and flush the waste water down a toilet.

45.   Sewage treatment waste water, industrial wastes, and atmospheric pollutants all contribute nitrogen to the Mississippi.

46.   Sometimes the blockage causes the waste water to back up and flow out of manholes or into buildings, Stem said.

47.   State officials stress that reused waste water, or reclaimed water, is safe despite the new findings.

48.   Tampa is one of a handful of communities nationwide where water managers are seriously talking about using highly treated waste water to supplement their source of drinking water.

49.   The chemical waste water drained into ditches and shallow lakes, creating sludge with high chemical concentrations of RDX and HMX, Deaver said.

50.   The county and other utilities also routinely provide reclaimed waste water directly to some golf courses and other businesses for irrigation.

a. + water >>共 700
cold 5.78%
coastal 4.53%
bottled 3.11%
running 2.91%
international 2.74%
boiling 2.63%
warm 2.42%
fresh 2.14%
clean 2.13%
atlantic 1.91%
waste 0.86%
waste + n. >>共 300
disposal 11.23%
water 9.12%
dump 6.34%
management 5.92%
site 5.15%
storage 3.55%
time 3.25%
treatment 2.94%
shipment 2.78%
material 2.68%
每页显示:    共 176