41.   House Speaker Newt Gingrich urges Sen. Pete Domenici not to target Nevada for a nuclear waste dump in an energy spending bill soon to be voted on by Congress.

42.   In a referendum on whether the fleet can put a nuclear waste dump at the city limits, they are taking on the navy they have long served.

43.   In June, the EPA announced that fluorescent bulbs, which contain mercury, could now be recycled to keep them out of waste dumps.

44.   In homes that sit on toxic waste dumps.

45.   In June, the state forced a low-level nuclear waste dump in Snelling, S.C., to stop accepting shipments from outside the Southeast.

46.   It is to be cleaned up under that program of dealing with toxic waste dumps.

47.   Most recently, a planned nuclear waste dump in West Texas was blocked, in part, because of opposition from a hearing.

48.   Nationally, only three low-level waste dumps are operating, and one, at Hanford, Wash., accepts material only from the Pacific Northwest.

49.   Opponents said the measure was important because it would stop the proliferation of toxic waste dumps on public lands.

50.   Owners of toxic waste dumps are required to scrub their sites to the same level of cleanliness whether or not people would ever visit the area.

a. + dump >>共 114
waste 25.84%
nuclear 14.50%
toxic 6.72%
illegal 4.20%
proposed 2.73%
local 2.10%
old 2.10%
municipal 2.10%
open 1.47%
nearby 1.47%
waste + n. >>共 300
disposal 11.23%
water 9.12%
dump 6.34%
management 5.92%
site 5.15%
storage 3.55%
time 3.25%
treatment 2.94%
shipment 2.78%
material 2.68%
每页显示:    共 122