41.   Nadia Abu Sharar, a teacher who also voted at Al-Arub, said that voting was liberating.

42.   Now Henry can make his comeback and determine how Texas votes at the next Democratic convention.

43.   Once she was charged with a crime for voting at the wrong polling place.

44.   One of the leading conservative opposition candidates voted at the same mosque.

45.   Older Americans are not simply a growing population, but one that continues to vote at a remarkable rate.

46.   Phillips will vote at the meeting.

47.   Retailers and media will vote at the Super Show, and the winner will be announced in the spring.

48.   Registered Republicans could vote at any of the consolidated sites.

49.   The acceptances rolled in after SCMP shareholders voted at a special meeting to accept the improved takeover offer for TVE shares.

50.   The conflict moved to the forefront three weeks ago when the Southern Baptist Convention voted at its annual meeting to renew its efforts to evangelize Jews.

v. + at >>共 990
speak 2.35%
hold 2.19%
be 2.14%
say 1.77%
stay 1.61%
meet 1.58%
stop 1.50%
appear 1.42%
remain 1.34%
sit 1.33%
vote 0.12%
vote + p. >>共 68
in 46.21%
with 11.42%
in_favor_of 7.11%
by 5.37%
down 4.21%
at 3.55%
to 3.25%
into 2.74%
as 1.86%
in_favour_of 1.43%
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