41.   While that gives patients better access to care, it tends to deprive health plans of some leverage in bargaining for volume discounts with health care providers.

42.   But it admits no blame, pays no reparations and will benefit by obtaining volume discounts for its print advertising.

43.   Large volume discounts are negotiated.

44.   Microsoft said the price differences are largely due to volume discounts given to companies that sell more computers, which is generally legal.

45.   That company, Accompany Inc., is working to allow individual consumers seeking the same purchase over the Internet to act together as a group and receive volume discounts.

46.   The drug managers, because they represent large blocks of patients, can negotiate volume discounts from drug manufacturers.

n. + discount >>共 151
volume 10.98%
price 10.02%
group 5.25%
bulk 3.58%
offer 3.58%
fare 3.34%
drug 2.39%
travel 2.15%
rate 2.15%
employee 1.91%
volume + n. >>共 166
growth 10.26%
discount 9.26%
control 9.05%
increase 4.23%
figure 3.82%
production 2.82%
level 2.41%
sale 2.41%
knob 2.21%
leader 1.81%
每页显示:    共 46