41.   Jenkins of the Rand Corp. doubted terrorists had time to begin and execute the operation since violence erupted on the West Bank in late September.

42.   Jordan has kept its embassy in Tel Aviv at that level since the violence erupted.

43.   Karzai said he would not hesitate to implore the United Nations to expand the international security force now patrolling Kabul to other cities if violence erupted.

44.   Last spring, when the United Nations first asked for peacekeeping troops for Rwanda after violence erupted in April, not a single country volunteered.

45.   No one disputes that violence erupted during the presidential campaign.

46.   Now the State Department has advised Americans in Indonesia to keep a low profile, saying unrest and violence could erupt with little warning.

47.   No one can quite explain why racial violence has erupted again in Denver, once a locus for skinheads.

48.   Police had been criticized about moving in too quickly when violence erupted during prior Mardi Gras celebrations Friday and Saturday.

49.   Political violence erupted in Chiapas nearly four years ago when the rebel movement launched an armed uprising against the Mexican government.

n. + erupt >>共 518
violence 10.83%
thunderstorm 7.70%
clash 7.08%
protest 3.15%
riot 3.04%
battle 2.94%
crisis 2.74%
fire 2.69%
gunfire 2.35%
scandal 2.16%
violence + v. >>共 512
be 20.57%
erupt 7.32%
continue 6.87%
break_out 3.82%
come 2.70%
flare 2.61%
escalate 2.36%
begin 2.16%
mar 1.90%
spread 1.54%
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