41.   Over the years, directors of television shows have used the medium as a springboard to feature films.

42.   President John Kennedy used the medium to advance his cause and to engage the nation in a more direct political exchange.

43.   Presidents traditionally use the media to relay impressions about their character and personality.

44.   She used the media to show that to us, and we are now using the media to show it to each other.

45.   Sid preens for cameras, threatens lives in nightmarish close-up and uses the media to let people see just how much he relishes killing.

46.   Steinberg is trying to use the media to leverage a new deal.

47.   Some of the executives, particularly Ovitz, have been masters at using the media to their own advantage, but sometimes the media can give too much attention.

48.   Such documents are growing in importance as evidence in court because people and companies increasingly use electronic media to discuss important ideas and strategies.

49.   Such documents are growing in importance as evidence in court, because people and companies increasingly use electronic media to discuss important ideas and strategies.

50.   Stone uses the media as an easy target for his simplistic sociological broadsides but he never gets below the surface.

v. + medium >>共 473
report 11.28%
use 5.04%
blame 4.11%
say 3.33%
control 3.19%
accuse 3.10%
address 1.99%
meet 1.99%
tell 1.94%
handle 1.66%
use + n. >>共 1468
money 3.08%
force 2.34%
technology 1.42%
drug 1.21%
name 1.17%
computer 1.08%
fund 1.06%
proceeds 0.84%
information 0.74%
method 0.72%
medium 0.12%
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