41.   The plane, from Manila, had made an unscheduled stop at a central Philippine airport to drop off two mechanics to fix a flat tire on another plane.

42.   The plane had made an unscheduled stop at another airport and therefore was not on a normal flight path.

43.   Tuesday, he made previously unscheduled stops in Lebanon and Syria.

44.   Two hours later, ELN guerrillas forced an unscheduled stop.

45.   He said that, after the unscheduled stop, crowds of people with hoes helped remove rice paddy water retaining walls that had produced the bumpy landing.

46.   An unscheduled stop in Israel, announced by a US embassy spokesman in Tel Aviv Wednesday, would probably not take place, a US diplomatic source said Thursday.

47.   An US embassy spokesman in Tel Aviv earlier said Burns would make an unscheduled stop in Israel Wednesday before wrapping up his tour on Friday.

48.   Before heading for the State Department, Primakov made an unscheduled stop at the Russian embassy in Washington that lasted for more than an hour.

49.   US Middle East coordinator Dennis Ross made an unscheduled stop in Cairo Sunday where he met with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak as part of a Middle East peace shuttle.

50.   Late VIPS delayed the departure and numerous unscheduled stops set the train further behind schedule.

a. + stop >>共 594
first 14.29%
next 11.24%
last 8.16%
brief 3.19%
final 2.90%
refueling 2.29%
second 2.13%
diving 2.08%
scheduled 1.50%
unscheduled 1.32%
unscheduled + n. >>共 98
meeting 14.33%
stop 14.04%
landing 12.36%
visit 6.18%
trip 3.65%
talk 3.37%
absence 3.09%
day 3.09%
appearance 2.53%
maintenance 1.97%
每页显示:    共 50