41.   During times like these, guessing right is particularly difficult, because it is unusually challenging to sort out troubled companies with a future from those spiraling toward oblivion.

42.   Dunlap already cleaned house at headquarters, surrounding himself with an executive team that worked with him at other troubled companies.

43.   Even troubled companies should do better, with Nissan expecting to report its first consolidated profit in five years and Mazda hoping to break even.

44.   Financially troubled companies that need to cut labor costs can have the same benefits if they reduce working hours to preserve jobs.

45.   For most investors and investment bankers, the universally troubled companies had been a yawn.

46.   Foreign bankers complain that the government is undermining the fiscal SWAT team it recently created to save or dispose of the most troubled companies.

47.   Goldsmith gained a reputation for aggressively turning around troubled companies.

48.   He adds that filing for bankruptcy can make it easier for a troubled company to sell assets, especially if creditors have filed liens against them.

49.   Hart, meanwhile, said she was aware that she could wind up labeled as being associated with troubled companies.

50.   He had been a management consultant, and at Bain Capital in Boston, made a fortune by turning around troubled companies.

a. + company >>共 660
insurance 5.96%
the 4.70%
new 3.88%
foreign 3.26%
private 3.26%
japanese 2.69%
american 2.14%
small 1.80%
big 1.78%
pharmaceutical 1.69%
troubled 0.33%
troubled + n. >>共 759
region 4.94%
company 4.72%
province 4.56%
economy 3.48%
bank 3.32%
country 3.14%
state 2.80%
nation 1.82%
territory 1.80%
youth 1.62%
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