41.   The March groundbreaking of Har Homa, a new neighborhood in the disputed part of Jerusalem, triggered the crisis in the peace talks.

42.   The political crisis was triggered by a politician from southern India, Jayaram Jayaliltha, who withdrew her party from the BJP-led government.

43.   The scandal triggered a crisis for Vajpayee, who appointed a retired Supreme Court judge to investigate the charges.

44.   This is certainly what has happened in Indonesia, despite the fact that the current economic crisis was initially triggered by external forces beyond our control.

45.   Unless Iraq provides more information on its VX program, the report could trigger another crisis similar to the one over access by U.N. inspectors to presidential palaces.

46.   Iraq triggered a crisis with the United Nations on Friday by barring UN inspectors from entering a government building suspected of containing documents on its illegal weapons programme.

47.   Congress on Thursday ousted President Abdala Bucaram and voted to appoint Alarcon president of the country, triggering the crisis.

48.   The suit is reminiscent of another one that triggered a crisis in Nigeria.

49.   The split triggered a crisis which led to general elections.

50.   Metscher said the plan would be reworked so the main central district that triggered the crisis would be much smaller than earlier planned.

v. + crisis >>共 360
resolve 11.40%
end 9.64%
discuss 6.92%
defuse 6.62%
solve 4.68%
face 3.44%
handle 2.96%
ease 2.64%
cause 1.94%
create 1.87%
trigger 1.39%
trigger + n. >>共 998
protest 3.94%
wave 2.23%
violence 2.16%
riot 1.84%
explosion 1.61%
alarm 1.55%
inflation 1.51%
concern 1.39%
fear 1.27%
landslide 1.25%
crisis 1.10%
每页显示:    共 56