41.   The tribunal has issued only one indictment but more are pending.

42.   The tribunal has issued two indictments each against Karadzic and Mladic for allegedly orchestrating massacres of Muslims in Bosnia and other crimes.

43.   The tribunal issued its first indictments in November, charging eight people with genocide and crimes against humanity in connection with the massacre at the church.

44.   The tribunal issued its harshest possible sentence because Kambanda committed his crimes knowingly and with premeditation, Kama said.

45.   The tribunal on Thursday issued international arrest warrants for the two men.

46.   The Rwanda war crimes tribunal will issue its first indictment before the end of the year, Chief Prosecutor Richard Goldstone confirmed Thursday.

47.   The U.N. war crimes tribunal issued international arrest warrants Thursday for Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic and his army chief Ratko Mladic.

48.   The United Nations war crimes tribunal has issued indictments against Karadzic for genocide and other war crimes committed against Bosnian Muslims and Croats.

49.   The tribunal can issue an international arrest warrant for those it has indicted in case they travel abroad.

50.   The tribunal has also issued an unknown number of secret indictments, a tactic it sometimes uses to keep the charges under wraps so suspects can be arrested.

n. + issue >>共 749
government 10.18%
company 6.29%
court 5.04%
judge 4.55%
authority 4.28%
official 3.86%
police 3.71%
agency 2.81%
group 2.27%
leader 1.81%
tribunal 1.37%
tribunal + v. >>共 348
be 9.61%
have 8.32%
say 5.58%
indict 4.29%
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impose 1.65%
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