41.   The almost total lack of inflation gives him considerable room to push rates down farther in coming months.

42.   The biggest complaint you could level at the game is its total lack of outfield control.

43.   The Japan that most Americans know is the one in which there was an almost total lack of looting after the Kobe earthquake.

44.   The myopia is a total lack of historical perspective.

45.   The main complaint of those being displaced is the total lack of any open accounting of how the money is being spent.

46.   The total lack of response to their call for a boycott of elections was a blow to their prestige and credibility.

47.   The truth may actually be somewhere in between the total lack and absolute presence of a conspiracy.

48.   Then there is the total lack of furniture.

49.   There is a total lack of regard for the person who buys a ticket, delivers oneself to the park and occupies a seat.

50.   They all agree that the total lack of telephones makes not calling a lot easier than it might be otherwise.

a. + lack >>共 332
apparent 6.65%
general 5.98%
total 5.37%
complete 4.90%
relative 4.30%
perceived 3.90%
utter 2.35%
serious 1.88%
same 1.81%
distinct 1.75%
total + n. >>共 1526
number 6.81%
ban 3.53%
control 3.00%
cost 2.98%
amount 2.81%
withdrawal 1.85%
value 1.54%
return 1.34%
loss 1.21%
stranger 1.17%
lack 0.94%
每页显示:    共 80