41.   At one point, two firebombs were thrown at the Avraham Avinu settler compound in downtown Hebron.

42.   Authorities said he approached a Jewish settlement in Hebron in August intending to throw firebombs at soldiers but seized the opportunity to stab an elderly, unarmed rabbi.

43.   At the nearby settlement of Ganei Tal, a firebomb was thrown at the fence around the settlement.

44.   But elsewhere in the city, a small leftist group threw firebombs into a street before vanishing into back streets, the Anatolia news agency said.

45.   But he said it would be alleged that Boskovich and Catts acted alone and that the fire started when firebombs were thrown through the windows of the consulate.

46.   But in Istanbul, one person was injured when small groups of demonstrators threw firebombs at banks and grocery stores.

47.   Demonstrators threw firebombs that set ablaze tents in the Israeli enclave, while Palestinian civilians and Israeli soldiers traded fire.

48.   During the most violent demonstrations, opponents to the airport threw firebombs, and riot police cut towers down with protesters still on them.

49.   During the show, a small group of youths leaving the concert threw a firebomb at a police patrol car nearby, local media said.

50.   Elsewhere in the city, a small leftist group threw firebombs into a street before vanishing into back streets, the Anatolia news agency said.

v. + firebomb >>共 30
throw 50.14%
hurl 25.21%
toss 4.11%
lob 3.84%
find 2.47%
use 1.92%
detonate 1.64%
carry 1.37%
plant 1.37%
make 1.10%
throw + n. >>共 904
stone 9.05%
ball 6.87%
rock 3.83%
grenade 3.15%
interception 3.10%
punch 2.70%
support 2.02%
pitch 1.85%
pass 1.83%
strike 1.60%
firebomb 1.11%
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