41.   And when asked about the two candidates, she immediately heaped praise on Kirk while struggling to find a reason voters should support Morales.

42.   And the three candidates differed on some substantive issues, including the death penalty.

43.   And there was little hope, she said, from the five candidates she heard debate at the Palace of Culture here.

44.   And unlike the other candidates, Quayle does not have to define his position on major issues.

45.   As analysts predicted, the debate format featuring the two candidates seated around a table with Lehrer kept the tone of the debate more civil.

46.   As a result, she had a much larger charitable deduction than the other candidates.

47.   As Rowland voted at a Hartford school on Tuesday, groups of supporters for the two candidates began chanting and elections officers struggled to separate them.

48.   As for the other candidates, Steve Forbes does not favor cuts in legal immigration.

49.   As usual, he scoffed at the question, arguing that there was no difference between the two candidates.

50.   At one point, in fact, only a couple of weeks ago Cheney flew to Washington to conduct interviews with some of the other candidates.

a. + candidate >>共 485
presidential 17.01%
republican 7.08%
democratic 4.93%
leading 3.97%
the 3.30%
potential 2.36%
likely 2.16%
possible 2.04%
only 1.76%
independent 1.71%
the + n. >>共 920
side 9.89%
country 7.05%
man 6.53%
company 3.06%
leader 2.13%
game 1.75%
team 1.34%
end 1.33%
group 1.30%
party 1.26%
candidate 0.74%
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