41.   If they miss a triple axel, his program has more technical difficulty than theirs.

42.   Ina and Dungjen are equal to anyone in terms of consistency and technical difficulty.

43.   Lots of obstacles stand in the way of such a plan, not least the myriad technical difficulties.

44.   No technical difficulties preclude a daily oil output that could eventually be equal to a tenth of what is produced each day in the United States.

45.   Now, while he cautions plenty of technical difficulties remain with the pebble-fuel design, Kadak is enthusiastic that a new plant could become financially viable.

46.   On television, silence just means temporary technical difficulties.

47.   One important opponent in Risk just disappeared midmove, and the winning Monopoly player either ran into technical difficulties or made off with his hard-earned cash.

48.   Russian Space Agency Director Yuri Koptev says the U.S. space agency has had its own technical difficulties and delays in manufacturing parts for the space station.

49.   Service from Bloomberg News has been interrupted temporarily because of technical difficulties.

50.   Some technical difficulties must be worked out first, he said.

a. + difficulty >>共 445
financial 14.25%
economic 7.33%
great 5.88%
technical 3.78%
breathing 2.77%
serious 2.60%
learning 2.10%
severe 2.02%
political 1.85%
major 1.79%
technical + n. >>共 977
problem 7.30%
assistance 4.54%
support 3.86%
factor 2.12%
skill 2.08%
expertise 1.90%
reason 1.82%
issue 1.69%
expert 1.67%
detail 1.60%
difficulty 1.35%
每页显示:    共 134