41.   Teaching on gratitude is a part of Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and other world faiths.

42.   Still, most educators think that aides should only help teach, rather than teach on their own.

43.   That prompted him to found a small company, Accent Services, USA, and begin teaching students on the side, like Wong.

44.   The board said the code had strict requirements on how, when and by whom sex education and related courses are taught on school grounds.

45.   The class is designed for motorcycle and scooter riders, but is taught on motorcycles, which are provided, along with helmets.

46.   The son, David, teaches on Long Island.

47.   The strategy is the brainchild of company chairman C. Richard Reese, a former Harvard University professor who once taught courses on entrepreneurship.

48.   They can be taught on a one-to-one basis through home visiting.

49.   They said he was likely to follow a path similar to before the campaign, writing a book, working as a consultant and possibly teaching on the side.

50.   Though he has taught courses on the media at the School of Visual Arts in New York in recent years, he is not currently teaching there.

v. + on >>共 981
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of 0.78%
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