41.   Karachi has a bloody history of ethnic and sectarian violence but suicide bombings are very uncommon and foreigners are rarely targeted.

42.   Officials here would not comment on whether the arrests were linked to the tribunal, saying only that they were targeting foreigners living illegally in Kenya.

43.   Officials here would not comment Wednesday on whether the arrests were linked to the tribunal, saying only that they were targeting foreigners living illegally in Kenya.

44.   Senior African diplomats have been assaulted, but the attacks have also targeted white foreigners, with two Swedish diplomats beaten up recently.

45.   The envoy said the arrests could be part of a recent Angolan drive targeting foreigners whose work permits, visas and immigration documents are not in order.

46.   The five Frenchmen were the latest victims in a conflict in which Moslem radicals trying to overthrow the military-backed government have specifically targeted foreigners.

47.   The five were the latest victims in a conflict in which Moslem radicals trying to overthrow the military-backed government have specifically targeted foreigners.

48.   The latest was the first to target foreigners.

v. + foreigner >>共 329
kidnap 6.95%
include 5.48%
bar 3.41%
target 3.21%
kill 2.74%
evacuate 2.41%
arrest 2.01%
expel 2.01%
allow 1.94%
deport 1.87%
target + n. >>共 1086
civilian 5.03%
area 1.88%
people 1.77%
child 1.48%
company 1.35%
group 1.20%
minority 1.14%
woman 1.08%
building 1.08%
foreigner 1.01%
每页显示:    共 48