41.   To examine enrollments in gifted programs and special education classes across the nation, the Journal-Constitution analyzed survey data that OCR uses to measure equality in schools.

42.   With the release of the latest survey data by Johnston and others, drug abuse has become an issue in the presidential campaigns.

43.   A central complaint of panel members was a lack of information -- things like population data, ecological survey data, toxicity data.

44.   Financial markets took the survey data to mean the Bank of Japan will not raise interest rates in the near future for fear of stifling economic activity.

45.   Nearly half of all pregnancies are unwanted, a figure based on abortion and government survey data.

46.   Taiwanese officials frequently fall back on survey data showing overwhelming support for maintaining the status quo of de facto independence and rejection of near-term reunification with China.

47.   The new income and poverty estimates come from an annual Census report that revises earlier estimates derived solely from survey data.

n. + datum >>共 701
employment 4.90%
computer 4.70%
census 3.81%
government 3.66%
inflation 3.26%
price 2.86%
job 2.31%
flight 2.22%
unemployment 2.08%
consumer 2.05%
survey 1.36%
survey + n. >>共 227
result 19.13%
show 6.82%
datum 5.26%
team 4.59%
respondent 4.47%
report 2.35%
method 2.35%
finding 2.24%
participant 2.24%
damage 2.01%
每页显示:    共 47