41.   The view in Pakistan is that the U.S reluctance to suffer casualties has much delayed ground action.

42.   These American and British forces suffered casualties.

43.   They have suffered no casualties from hostile fire.

44.   Travelers trying to battle their way onto other airlines here were suffering heavy casualties.

45.   Unfortunately, even in an age of technological wizardry, force cannot be assured of success without the possibility of suffering casualties.

46.   When American troops suffered casualties, Congress pulled the plug on the whole operation.

47.   Opposition soldiers suffered heavy casualties on Wednesday during a ferocious day-long battle with the Taliban religious army, according to Taliban spokesmen.

48.   Opposition spokesmen say the Tajik government troops have suffered heavy casualties since fighting in Tavildara erupted this spring.

49.   Parental pressure has greatly reduced the unruly mobs of stone-throwing youths, who pose little threat to the Israeli soldiers, but suffer heavy casualties.

50.   Peacekeepers suffered no casualties in the attack.

v. + casualty >>共 185
report 23.27%
cause 18.59%
suffer 13.91%
inflict 4.34%
avoid 3.57%
take 2.73%
mention 2.19%
evacuate 1.95%
claim 1.85%
confirm 1.78%
suffer + n. >>共 514
injury 14.82%
loss 7.15%
damage 4.80%
stroke 4.37%
casualty 3.35%
setback 2.94%
burn 2.66%
most 2.51%
concussion 2.40%
wound 2.38%
每页显示:    共 411