41.   Moore declined comment on whether such a ban might be approved.

42.   New York is one of many states considering such a ban, but no state has enacted one yet.

43.   Much research, including that by IRIS members, now aims at monitoring such a ban.

44.   New York became the first state in the nation to enact such a ban.

45.   Other legal experts asked whether Congress had the authority to ban cloning research and whether such a ban would be constitutional.

46.   Opponents say such a ban would not affect the number of alcohol-related deaths.

47.   Polls have shown that such a ban has popular support.

48.   Polls show that Californians and voters nationwide support banning gay marriages, and President Clinton has said he agrees with such a ban.

49.   Publishers said that such a ban was needed to keep thieves from using any loopholes as a license to make illegal copies.

50.   Quite probably, Clinton would have beaten Dole with even more votes than he got without such a ban.

a. + ban >>共 485
total 8.46%
such 4.36%
global 4.27%
proposed 3.88%
worldwide 3.63%
outright 2.92%
constitutional 2.92%
complete 2.53%
international 2.47%
federal 2.36%
such + n. >>共 1151
move 6.00%
system 1.96%
thing 1.65%
meeting 1.61%
plan 1.41%
case 1.15%
attack 1.10%
agreement 1.05%
step 1.04%
change 0.92%
ban 0.62%
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