41.   John stresses the importance of spirituality, but not necessarily Christianity.

42.   SNH stresses the importance of minimising pollution from minor accidents and daily operations.

43.   And as she took part in the publicity drive for her memoirs, she stressed the importance of close ties with Washington.

44.   We continue to demand high standards of behaviour and appearance and to stress the importance of the more traditional values such as firm discipline.

45.   Rita has always stressed the importance of the piano as a coaching aid.

46.   Along with stressing their importance to the local economies, some American companies also have continued to publicize their generosity to charities.

47.   Also early on, Hughes stressed the importance of preparing the public for the possibility of American casualties, said the aide.

48.   Although he did not speak publicly before the game, Sheffield stressed the importance of playing.

49.   And Davis repeatedly stressed the importance of teamwork.

50.   And like earlier reports, this one stresses the importance of not smoking, of maintaining ideal body weight and of exercise.

v. + importance >>共 275
stress 19.92%
emphasize 8.08%
understand 5.33%
underscore 3.57%
recognize 3.22%
attach 2.58%
know 2.37%
have 2.26%
downplay 2.14%
place 2.11%
stress + n. >>共 685
need 21.55%
importance 20.64%
commitment 2.12%
support 1.27%
point 1.21%
value 1.09%
issue 0.97%
cooperation 0.91%
urgency 0.88%
desire 0.88%
每页显示:    共 676