41.   Coltart said he notified police Saturday of ruling party youth roaming Bulawayo suburbs, stoning cars and using unruly and threatening behavior.

42.   Demonstrators stoned passing cars and erected makeshift barricades, preventing access to many parts of the city.

43.   Early Wednesday, a group of Gypsies stoned a car of the local electricity company, smashing its windows.

44.   During the intervention, angry crowds stoned cars and set government buildings and shopping centers afire.

45.   Earlier Friday, soldiers and riot police dispersed opposition supporters who stoned cars outside the High Court in the commercial capital, Blantyre.

46.   Early this month, some local protestors stoned the car of a VOA employee, injuring him slightly.

47.   For years, black-coated ultra-Orthodox have stoned cars using it on the Sabbath and have clashed with police.

48.   In a nearby village, Israeli motorists beat a Palestinian they accused of stoning their car.

49.   In a separate incident, an Israeli civilian was hurt when his car was stoned, the army said.

50.   In a nearby village, Israelis grabbed a Palestinian they believed stoned their car, beat him and dumped him at an army camp.

v. + car >>共 652
drive 6.53%
stop 3.48%
buy 3.32%
park 3.16%
sell 3.06%
steal 2.68%
damage 2.25%
have 1.92%
hit 1.64%
use 1.61%
stone 0.73%
stone + n. >>共 115
car 19.93%
soldier 9.79%
bus 8.72%
vehicle 8.54%
police 7.65%
troop 6.58%
convoy 1.60%
building 1.60%
man 1.42%
shop 1.25%
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