41.   A fashionable pop radio station played classical music, updating listeners every half hour on the bombing.

42.   About a dozen radio stations are also playing the album from start to finish.

43.   After the fall of Gardo, the private FM radio station in Bossaso played a message from police chief Col. Hirsi Saeed Gaataa telling people to remain calm.

44.   All week, Israeli radio stations have been playing songs associated with the slain prime minister, and the newspapers have been filled with soul-searching commentary.

45.   All week, radio stations have been playing mournful songs and peace anthems associated with Rabin.

46.   All week, Israeli radio stations have been playing songs associated with with the slain prime minister, and the newspapers have been filled with soul-searching commentary.

47.   All local radio stations were playing funeral music as part of national mourning for the tragedy.

48.   All week, Israeli radio stations have been playing mournful songs and peace anthems associated with Rabin.

49.   All week, Israeli radio stations have played songs associated with the slain prime minister, and the newspapers have been filled with soul-searching commentary.

50.   As in past years, television programs were dedicated to Holocaust testimonials and radio stations played somber music.

n. + play >>共 1277
team 11.01%
child 3.00%
band 2.59%
player 1.90%
kid 1.36%
woman 1.22%
guy 1.12%
people 1.04%
chance 1.00%
music 0.99%
station 0.58%
station + v. >>共 691
be 14.08%
say 8.90%
report 7.99%
have 4.78%
broadcast 4.51%
play 1.82%
show 1.76%
air 1.52%
begin 1.27%
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