41.   At the time, officials warned the license would be withdrawn immediately if the station aired anything considered racist.

42.   British TV stations Sunday aired a graphic amateur video taken of the chaotic scenes in Omagh immediately after the blast.

43.   BVK writer Pam Mufson suggested having all the stations air it simultaneously, he said.

44.   Camacho, whose station aired a report on the alleged offending remarks Thursday night, attended the McLane news conference and said KTMD stands by its story.

45.   Cutts noted that local radio stations have aired statements demanding the minorities leave.

46.   Cutts pointed out that local radio stations have aired statements demanding the minorities leave.

47.   For the first time, the court released an audio tape of the argument minutes after it ended, and many television and radio stations immediately aired it.

48.   For the first time, the court released an audio tape of the argument shortly after it ended, and many television and radio stations immediately aired it.

49.   Given a choice, many NBC stations aired the American League baseball playoff game between the New York Yankees and Oakland Athletics instead of the debate.

50.   In Texas, the Democratic target successfully appealed to television stations not to air the commercial.

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series 1.52%
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station + v. >>共 691
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