41.   He said the state will pay cash -- rather than borrow money -- to fix up tourist destinations, cultural centers, environmental retreats and historical sites.

42.   His modest income is more than doubled by the generous benefits the French state pays to children and pregnant women, regardless of their status.

43.   However, John Leshy, solicitor for the federal agency, outlined conditions under which the state could pay park personnel and allow the attraction to reopen.

44.   If most of the events are governmental, the state pays.

45.   If the great majority of events on a trip are governmental, the state pays.

46.   In return, the state pays a portion of the routine maintenance and the salaries of everyone who works in the building.

47.   In some cases, the state will also pay for MMR and hepatitis B shots as well, though these are limited to people at higher risk.

48.   Inmates would retain their constitutional rights, and the state would pay a per-diem charge.

49.   Instead of paying the unpredictable bills of individual doctors and hospitals, the state pays HMOs a fixed monthly fee per patient.

50.   Instead the state paid its attorneys and paid for the enormous paperwork to go through years of appeals when Tina appealed.

n. + pay >>共 754
company 8.38%
government 5.56%
people 3.76%
customer 2.14%
consumer 1.95%
money 1.77%
state 1.72%
investor 1.59%
bank 1.34%
employer 1.17%
state + v. >>共 907
be 9.69%
have 9.60%
say 1.67%
take 1.44%
make 1.26%
do 1.21%
use 1.19%
require 1.14%
pay 1.02%
pass 0.98%
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