41.   In short, this is a theater where people are not likely to start stamping their feet over a late curtain.

42.   Instead of applauding, many in the audience stamped their feet in disapproval as he spoke.

43.   It was unnecessary to shout and scream and stamp our feet.

44.   Jim stamped his foot, threatened to overturn the basket and caused quite a scene.

45.   Miriam Gilbert stamps her feet confidently on her new front porch and then gazes down at her new narrow stoop.

46.   One recent morning, a handful of workers waited for work in the designated hiring area, stamping their feet and sipping coffee to keep warm.

47.   She leaps and twists, stamps her feet, grimaces with enthusiasm.

48.   She screams at her mother in a flurry of Italian and angrily stamps her foot.

49.   She stamped her foot.

50.   Several hundred college students begin to stamp their feet.

v. + foot >>共 447
drag 13.51%
set 12.62%
have 4.25%
put 3.85%
get 2.43%
keep 2.37%
break 2.23%
stamp 2.20%
plant 2.14%
put_down 2.05%
stamp + n. >>共 230
foot 13.69%
corruption 6.67%
authority 6.13%
passport 5.77%
terrorism 2.52%
visa 1.62%
name 1.44%
resistance 1.44%
envelope 1.26%
mark 1.26%
每页显示:    共 76