41.   Unionists accuse Sinn Fein and the IRA of stalling the process by refusing to give ground on disarmament.

42.   However, the disarmament process is currently stalled while fighting has continued.

43.   Although transitional institutions have since been set up, the disarmament process is currently stalled.

44.   But many have been released since the peace process was stalled after the coming to office in June of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

45.   Egypt had initially threatened to cancel or postpone the meeting to the spring on the grounds that the peace process was stalled.

46.   The US assistant secretary of state for the International Organisations Affairs Bureau said he had believed the process was completely stalled before his trip Wednesday to UNITA headquarters.

47.   Their US-mediated peace process has been stalled since Secretary of State Warren Christopher last visited the region in June.

48.   Warring Afghan factions have agreed in principle to the formation of a neutral interim government but an opposition faction leader Tuesday claimed his rivals were stalling the process.

49.   The army also reiterated its support for the Lusaka peace accord but accused UNITA of trying to stall the process.

50.   The Arab-Israeli peace process has been stalled since Netanyahu, who rejects any land concessions in exchange for peace, took office in June.

v. + process >>共 817
begin 6.72%
start 3.63%
repeat 3.61%
complete 3.24%
speed 2.26%
accelerate 2.21%
delay 2.04%
use 2.01%
slow 1.66%
streamline 1.36%
stall 0.94%
stall + n. >>共 302
talk 11.41%
negotiation 5.44%
effort 4.16%
process 3.85%
bill 3.85%
legislation 3.02%
reform 2.95%
progress 2.72%
project 2.49%
plan 2.42%
每页显示:    共 51